Friday, August 05, 2005

7-29-05 blood work

I just bought Bonnie Riatt's "Angel from Montgomery" from iTunes. That's an important one to have.

I started the riluzole again, yesterday morning. This morning I had very little of the ritual leg spasms. Probably coincidence.

Because I was going to try the riluzole again, I needed to check my bilirubin and white blood cell count levels. Here are the results of the lab work:

White cell count: 3.4 thous/mcl, normal: 3.8-10.8
Red cell count 5.58 mill/mcl, normal: 4.2-5.8
Hemoglabin 17.3 g/dl, normal: 13.2-17.1
Hematocrit 49.5 %, normal: 38.5-50
MCV 89 fL, normal: 80-100
MCH 31 pg, normal: 27-33
MCHC 35 g/dL, normal: 32-36
RDW %, normal: 11-15
Platelet count 238 thous/mcl, normal: 140-400
MPV 8.3 fl, normal: 7.5-11.5
Neutrophils 45 %, normal: 40-75
Lymphocytes 43 %, normal: 20-45
Monocytes 9 %, normal: 0-12
Eosinophils 2 %, normal: 0-6
Basophils 1 %, normal: 0-2
Absolute neutrophils 1.5 thous/mcl, normal: 00-00
Absolute lymphocyte 1.4 gaf/plap, thous/mcl normal : .85-3.9
Absolute moncoyte 0.3, thous/mcl, normal: 0.2-0.95
Absolue Eosinophil 0.1, thous/mcl, normal: 0.015-0.5
Absolute basophil 0, thous/mcl, normal: 0-0.2

Glucose 72, mg/dL, normal: 100-125 non fasting
Bilirubin 2.3 MG/DL, normal 0.2-1.5
Urea Nitrogen 15, normal 7-15
Creatinine 0.9, normal 0.5-1.4
Calcium 10.3, normal 8.5-10.4
Sodium 140, normal 135-146
Potassium 4.1, normal 3.5-5.3
CO2 27, normal 21-33
Chlorine 99, normal 98-110
Protein, total 8.1, normal 6.0-8.3
Albumin 5.2, g/dL, normal: 3.5-4.9
Globulin 2.9, normal 2.0-3.9
A/G Ratio 1.8, normal 1.0-2.5
Alkalin Phosphotase 45, normal 20-125
AST (SGOT) 27, normal 2-50
ALT (SGPT) 26, normal 2-60
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