Saturday, August 06, 2005

Physical therapy baseline

I started doing the PT range-of-motion exercises yesterday, and here is my baseline for future comparison. In the shoulder flexion holding a stick while lying on back, I can get the left arm to about 2 o'clock and hold it for 10 seconds. I do this three times, and it's 'painful' enough that I am happy to stop after three. The instructions are to do it three to five times for 10 to 30 seconds.

The shoulder circles I do twice for 10 repetitions with no problem. The instruction is to do it two or three times for 10 reps.

In the standing shoulder horizontal abduction with stick, I do three reps to full extent at 10 seconds each with little discomfort. The instructions are to do three to five reps for 10 to 30 seconds.

In the lying down shoulder abduction with stick, I do three reps for 10 seconds, getting the left arm in line with the shoulders, with 'pain.' I'm glad to stop. The instructions say to do three to five reps for 10 to 30 seconds.

In the shoulder external rotation while standing in a doorway I do three reps for 10 second each and the left shoulder feels a bit tight but doesn't give 'pain'. The instructions are to do three to five reps for 10 to 30 seconds.

In the shoulder external rotation in a corner, I do three reps of 10 seconds, with 'pain.' The instructions say to do three to five reps at 10 to 30 seconds.

Yesterday I bought a Canon Powershot A520 camera (4.0 megapixels). It seems good.

Left grip is 35 pounds (30, 35, 34), right grip is 83 pounds (83, 81, 78), left leg balance is 8.76 seconds, and inhale volume is 4300 mL.
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