Monday, December 06, 2004


Quick note because I am in charge of making cooking while my lovely wife goes to the chiropractor with back spasms. A friend has had her third baby, and my wife was going to cook her special chicken broccoli and deliver it to their house.

Through Barnes & noble you can buy used books from independent bookstores, and due to the hype around Kinsey these days, I have ordered both of his famous studies. The one that came today, as the rain started, is "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female." I know very little about these works. But I did flip open the book at random and encountered a data table listing "thigh pressure" and pressure on something else I'm not mentioning in this blog. The bookstore is in New York. How long will it be, before the theocracy running this country makes such books unobtainable? It could be as soon as 15 years, I think.

Time to make dinner.

OK, I got it into the oven. Phew! We're having the same thing tonight.
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