Sunday, April 24, 2005


Last night I resumed taking the creatine before bed. Yesterday I got some isotoma (Bluestar Creeper) for the side of the driveway where we put in the stepping stones. I only got a small amount of it, so it has a lot of creeping to do.

While placing a small rake for my daughter into the trunk of the car, I spent a few moments contemplating the "Pearl Harbor Survivor" license plate of the huge Cadillac parked behind me. I was staring at the plate and thinking about what that meant when I noticed, in the shadows of the passenger seat, the white hair and the eyes of a tiny, wrinkled old lady. As I was turning to go, I gave her some sort of nod, which she may not have seen.

Several times in the last couple of days, when sitting, I have felt a warm, linear sensation running from my left, inner buttock where the femur meets the hip, a short distance, maybe three to five inches, towards the knee, dissipating in intensity as it does. It's not a pain, or alarming. It just feels warm, but not surface warmth, some kind of inner warmth.

At the same time, I have an actual pain in my right forward hip area, where a muscle cramp his been migrating up my leg from the period without creatine.

Left grip is 41 pounds (37, 41, 41), right grip is 91 pounds (82, 91, 86), left leg balance is 11.38 seconds, and inhale volume is 4700 mL.

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