Wednesday, May 11, 2005

C2: Not funny

The Namenda really does seem to be controlling my 'lability.' Now I can often keep a straight face where I would before have been laughing and unintelligible. If it's able to do that, then maybe it's doing other good things?

Because I have the IV needle in my arm, I'll have to delay the self-inflicted haircut.

I've been drinking a glass of tonic water before bed each night, because the clinic people said the quinine helps fight cramps. I wonder, though, if I can just get quinine in a pill form. My leg muscles are stuff and spastic on waking, but since I went back on the bedtime creatine (plus Namenda and tonic water) there have been no painful cramps on waking.

The rashes are gone. I think it was the dye in the shirts. I'll try starting the B-12 and alpha lipoic acid again.

Right grip is 94 pounds (88, 94, 90), left leg balance is 11.8 seconds, and inhale volume is 4800 mL.

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